Wilder Weather


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Be still, my heart! I have a bylines in the Washington Post!

Many of my timeliest thoughts these days end up on my Medium page, where I can take them quickly to the world. Some of my most popular and/or favorite articles include:

I’ve also posted blog entries in the Wilder Weather section of our family’s website. While I rarely post there now, there are tidbits there about weather, climate, motherhood, reading, and other facets of life. If you wander into the Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy and Research Association’s LIWLRA.org page, you’ll find a few blog posts from me there, too! These are mostly chapter summaries from the Little House books in community read-alongs.

Meteorologists and weather hobbyists enjoy the magazine Weatherwise. In November 2012, I published The long Winter: Studying the Climatology of Laura Ingalls Wilder's Hard Winter of 1880-1881. (This is behind a paywall.)

I don’t always write about weather, climate, and/or Laura Ingalls Wilder! The Omaha-based literary journal Fine Lines published my piece "The Eleventh Mile" (pg 36 of this issue) in the summer of 2014.