Wilder Weather

Picture of author Dr. Barb Boustead
Profile picture of Dr. Barb Boustead

What is Wilder Weather?

The lasting appeal of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House books springs from her vivid, detailed descriptions of the skies and lands around her and her family. Though she wrote the Little House books as fiction based on her life, Wilder’s accounts of the weather around her ring true. From blizzards to prairie fires, tornadoes to grasshoppers, and floods to droughts, weather-related calamities plagued the Ingalls and Wilder families.

Have you ever read one of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s books and wondered...

Wilder Weather will answer these questions and more!

Piecing together the puzzle of past weather means combining historical weather data, indigenous accounts, and stories like Wilder’s to give a more complete picture of the weather and its impacts. Wilder’s accounts of weather in her lifetime, and seeing her weather through the lens of weather today, builds a bridge to understand the climate of Wilder’s days compared to now and the future.

Picture of a prairie in eastern Colorado
Prairie in eastern Colorado during May